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March 01, 2024

Congressmen Goldman, Thompson, Magaziner Lead Call for Biden Administration to Name Domestic Terrorism Director, Request Update on National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism

Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10), Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (MS-02), and Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism Ranking Member Seth Magaziner (RI-02) Today Led 23 Democrats in a letter to President Biden Requesting an Update on the Administration’s Implementation of the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism (the National Strategy).

In their letter, which was endorsed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the NAACP, the lawmakers also urge the Biden Administration to name a senior level Domestic Terrorism Director at the National Security Council as well as release a public version of any Strategic Implementation Plan so that Congressman may provide additional support to the fight against domestic extremism.

Domestic terrorism related cases increased over 350 percent from 2013 to 2021.

“Strategies can only be as effective as their implementation. Following the two-year anniversary of the National Strategy, we are eager for an update on the implementation of the National Strategy so we can continue to support the critical objective of combating domestic extremism,” the lawmakers wrote. “We want to be partners in the “whole of society” approach to combating domestic violent extremism and that starts with a clear and concise understanding about how the Strategy has been implemented.”

Their letter follows a recently released report from the ADL which revealed that domestic extremists of all kinds have killed at least 444 people in the United States in the past 10 years, with 75 percent of those deaths coming at the hands of right-wing extremists. Domestic extremist groups, particularly white supremacists, have been identified as the largest domestic terrorist threat facing the country.

“Put simply, the National Strategy simply cannot be fully implemented without federal resources and legislative complements,” the lawmakers continued. “Increased transparency in the implementation of the National Strategy and the appointment of a senior level official to oversee such efforts would send a message to the American people - and specifically those impacted by domestic violent extremism - that this remains an unwavering priority for the Administration.”

The National Strategy was announced by the Biden Administration in June of 2021 and has four pillars:

  1. Understanding and sharing domestic terrorism information
  2. Preventing domestic terrorism recruitment and mobilization
  3. Disrupting and deterring domestic terrorism activity
  4. Confronting long term contributors to domestic terrorism

Additionally, the lawmakers called for the appointment of a senior level Domestic Terrorism Director at the National Security Council. This new position would ensure coordination across federal agencies for full implementation of the National Strategy and would form relationships with Congress and the budget agencies for stronger federal support.

The letter was also signed by Representatives Casten (IL-06), Cherfilus-McCormick (FL-20), Doggett (TX-37), Evans (PA-03), Frankel (FL-22), Gottheimer (NJ-05), Ivey (MD-04), Kaptur (OH-09), Lee (CA-12), Lee (PA-12), Lynch (MA-08), Menendez (NJ-08), Meng (NY-06), Moskowitz (FL-23), Pascrell (NJ-09), Porter (CA-47), Raskin (MD-08), Schiff (CA-30), Swalwell (CA-14), Thanedar (MI-13), Titus (NV-01), Wasserman Schultz (FL-25), and Williams (GA-05).

Read the letter here.

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Press Contact

Arturo Gutierrez at arturo.gutierrez@mail.house.gov